Lee Stewart was born in Kingswood, Kentucky in 1943. He noodled around the state of Ohio, mostly in and around Cincinnati, moving to Maryland in 1981 with his family when required by work. He earned a BS in Chemistry and a BS in Education from the University of Cincinnati (UC), taught a couple of years of high-school chemistry and physics and worked in medical research before earning a PhD in Biochemistry in 1975 from UC. After a postdoc at the UC Lipid Research Center, he worked as a forensic and regulatory analytical chemist, computer programmer, systems analyst and IT infrastructure installation and support specialist for ATF, first at the Cincinnati ATF Laboratory and then at the ATF National Laboratory Center in Maryland, retiring in 2009 after more than 33 years of service. He currently resides in Silver Run, Maryland with his wife Anna, enjoying retirement with her and their seven children, twenty grandchildren and three great-grandchildren—in addition to hacking with Forth on a 1980s vintage TI-99/4A computer.
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